Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
So many great questions were asked by all of you! I hope you enjoy getting your questions asked by this amazing man and support him by joining his newsletter by emailing raypeatsnewsletter@gmail.com
Time Stamps:
7:00 Social Media Stress and Dr Peat's thoughts
10:00 Dr Peats Thoughts on Adaptogenic Herbs
15:20 Dr Peat's Current Fears
16:30 Caffeine Addiction and What Coffee Is Good
27:00 Gut Dysbiosis and why Bamboo Shoots aren't helping
32:57 Stretch Marks
34:59 Resistant to Thyroid Hormone and What to do
43:13 Dr. Peat's Opinion of Negative Ion Generators
46:33 How to Improve Hearing
50:20 What about Molecular Hydrogen?
53:00 Specific Foods to Be resistant to Covid-19
1:01:37 Best Way to Lose 20lbs Specifically in Lower Body
1:04:00 What to Do with no access to NDT and no Gallbladder
For more information on Jodelle, visit: http://www.getfitwithjodelle.com
For more information on Dr. Ray Peat, visit: http://www.raypeat.com
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
Jodelle recorded this live at the Weight Room on May 21st and talks all things related to how to read a food label, including 7 popular Food labels to watch out for that may be harming you rather than helping you.
Plus she answers questions related to health, fitness, food labels, and nutrition.
Listen and learn and send your questions to: getfitwithjodelle@gmail.com to have your questions answered on the next LIVE Q&A.
Update: RAY PEAT COMING BACK ON JUNE 4TH! EMAIL Jodelle your questions for Dr. Peat: getfitwithjodelle@gmail.com
If you like this podcast, please leave us a 5 star review! Your support is very much appreciated!
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
What is the "Quarantine 15"? And what can you do about to lose weight you may have put on at home during this public health issue. Jodelle gives you 11 easy-to-implement tips to get you back on track an tips to lose weight and make more healthy choices with our "new normal".
For more information visit: http://www.getfitwithjodelle.com and donate to keep this podcast going. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
You guys love him and so do I! Georgi Dinkov, Founder of Idealabs is back, this time to discuss all things thyroid and natural desiccated thyroid, plus how to correct or fix a sluggish thyroid.
Time stamps:
2:25 The main reasons why thyroid issues are more prevalent than ever
11:40 Blue light and the thyroid
15:31 Sub-clinical hypothyroidism and the unfortunate TSH lab levels
18:04 Why L-tyrosine and Indols are not enough
20:20 The stressors we need to be aware of that are part of our daily lives and affecting our thyroids
21:00 Lifestyle and daily habits that inhibit our thyroid?
29:39 Symptoms outside of bloodwork that indicate thyroid issues
37:15 The eyes don’t lie when it comes to thyroid issues
39:59 Lactic acid red eyes
40:41 Ways to naturally test your thyroid levels
46:15 Some co-factors and herbs that are valuable and helpful to the thyroid
51:25 What to look for and what to watch out for when it comes to NDT (Natural Dessicated Thyroid)
58:25 Georgi’s product called TyroMax, sourcing and who it’s for
1:03:14 Is NDT helpful with weight loss, and conversely can it also be taken inappropriately and cause weight gain?
1:05:50 Why chicken neck soup instead of chicken noodle soup
To order Georgi's "TyroMax" or "Tyronene" product, visit: http://www.idealabsdc.com/lab
Georgi’s Published study on CortiNon: http://ejournal14.com/journals_n/1582031439.pdf
Thanks to my show sponsors:
http://www.swanwicksleep.com use code: GETFIT to save 10%
http://www.dropanfbomb.com and use code: GETFIT to save 10%
Please like, share, and subscribe! Your support is greatly appreciated!
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Bunny and Jodelle are back together discussing all things related to staying well during the cold and flu season!
Links for resources mentioned:
Jodelle's Health Optimizers page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1066856090167785/?ref=bookmarks
Mitolab Methylene Blue: https://mitolab.com/?wpam_id=5
Grounding Mat: https://www.ultimatelongevity.com/earthing-grounding/products/index.shtml?ref=29
IdeaLabs Link: https://idealabs.ecwid.com
Day Light Blue-Blockers and Night Time Blue Blockers http://www.swanwicksleep.com and use code: GETFIT to save 10%
Link to my Going Gluten-free the Easy Way meal plan:
Please like, share, and subscribe! Your support is greatly appreciated!
And don't forget to check out our show sponsors:
http://www.dropanfbomb.com and use code: GETFIT to get 10% off
And Swannies! See the link above!
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
All your questions on sleep answered by the all-wonderful Dr. Raymond Peat!
Support his generosity by subscribing to his newsletter: raypeatsnewsletter@gmail.com
Check out his amazing articles at http://www.raypeat.com
Time Stamps:
Dr Peat’s Main reason on sleep issues: 2:20
How Digestion affects your sleep 4:35
Why do we wake at 2am 9:10
Waking groggy and going to bed wired 14:10
Should we stop coffee with sleep issues 16:00
Blue light exposure before bed 17:10
Frequent urination at night, why and what can be done: 20:03
Supplements like Phenibut for sleep: 22:00
Is sleeping in okay or not? 27:30
Do we really need 7-8 hours of sleep or can we get away with less 28:45
How do get rid of nightmares: 29:30
Sleep Apnes - can it be reversed 33:19
Sleep Disorders and Medications 38:10
Under eye bag 39:40
Environment changes for better sleep 43: 58
What Thyroid supplementation Dr. Peat takes 46:27
Vitamin D dosage that Dr. Peat uses 50:28
What time does Dr. Peat go to bed 50:56
Check out my show sponsors:
http://www.dropanfbomb.com use code: GETFIT to save 10%
http://www.swanwicksleep.com use code: GETFIT to save 10%
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Matt Maruca is back! It’s great to have him back on the podcast again. Matt is a 20 year old entrepenuer, bio-hacker, sunlight lover and founder of Ra Optics, and creator of the book the Light Diet.
If you missed the first podcast, here is the link to that one:
Here are the time stamps:
4:35 What are people missing when it comes to health improvements?
9:00 The symptoms of being artificial
11:08 How can one expect changing their environment from mostly indoors to mostly outdoors
13:05 Why meditating indoors isn’t that helpful
19:50 The initial steps in starting the Light diet
26:15 The importance of grounding
27:50 The regulation of appetite
32:06 The benefit of a better metabolism
37:07 Sunlight is a macronutrient
43:30 Detaching from social media
45:30 How to connect with Matt
Email: support@raoptics.com
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
So I got a 2 star review that was just the kick in the pants I needed to get my co-hort Bunny Gilchrist back on the show! So to those of you who missed her, you will love this episode, and for those of you unfamiliar with Bunny, you will love her instantly and she will speak for you! Got questions for her for the podcast? Reach out on facebook to "Bunny Gilchrist"!
On today's episode, we will be laying down 10 Non-exercise Fat Loss Strategies, tips, finishers to your 2020 goals, to make them happen faster.
Learn about:
- the benefits of taking NDT
- what lowers cortisol
- what foods to avoid
- calories and how they actually do matter
- eating on the go
- ground therapy
and much more!
Listen, Laugh, and learn once again with us!
Thanks to my show sponsors:
http://www.dropanfbomb.com and use code:GETFIT to save 10%
http://www.swanwicksleep.com and use code: GETFIT to save 10% on my favorite blue-blockers!
Ground Therapy Mats: https://www.ultimatelongevity.com/earthing-grounding/products/index.shtml?ref=29
Saturday Jan 18, 2020
Saturday Jan 18, 2020
Georgi Dinkov, Founder of IdeaLabs, is back with me discussing all things Vitamin D in addition to discussing estrogen dominance. We talk supplementation, dosage, tips on how to get it naturally, tanning beds, and reptiles lights and much more!
Time Stamps:
2:04 Why Vitamin D is so crucial to our health
12:00 How Vitamin D helps your hormones
15:10 What is it crucial for
17:20 Side-bar on estrogen testing and the epidemic of excess estrogen
22:50 Two best tests to know if your estrogen is high
28:59 Symptoms of Low Vitamin D (What to look for)
37:20 My Theory on the health of Hawaiians
38:25 Vitamin D and Weight Loss
43:20 Why you should eat butter & other foods that contain Vitamin D
46:54 Tanning beds and reptile lamps
53:35 How to supplement Vitamin D properly
59:00 Good rule of thumb for standard Vitamin D dosing and what co-factors we need
Saunaspace link: https://saunaspace.com/hi/getfit
Check out the grounding mat I use and mentioned:
Check out the video I posted on grounding: https://youtu.be/hMrcBnLuh0M
Get my Blueblockers: http://www.Swanwicksleep.com and use code: GETFIT to save 10% off
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Dr. Raymond Peat is back answering your listener questions! I love his generosity and ample time so please show him your love and support by subscribing to his newsletter at the email address below.
Ray Peat Q&A time stamps:
2:20 How to get rid of Endotoxins
6:58 What About Coconut Flour
7:46 What about Bone Broth
10:40 What helps with Bone Density
11:07 Dr Peat’s thoughts on Vitamin D
12:05 Dr Peat’s remedy for healing Insulin Resistance
15:07 Why we should avoid ketosis
16:06 How stress plays the biggest role in poor health (Dr. Peat’s favorite way to de-stress)
18:05 Low cortisol and adrenal insufficiency
24:00 Immune system boosters
26:00 My thoughts on why Hawaiians have no cold and flu season
27:40 What Dr. Peat thinks about colostrum
28:30 Thoughts on Monolaurin for the immune system
30:58 Kidney issues and help with dumping minerals
32:35 Is Dr. Peat a fan of coconut water
33:07 White Willow bark instead of aspirin?
38:40 Should one stop taking Cod Liver oil
42:24 What to do with your fish oil capsules
42:50 Can vegans or vegetarians successfully achieve a good menstrual cycle
44:44 Nutritional yeast, yes or no?
45:25 Are there natural foods that promote progesterone in the body
47:12 Thoughts on stevia
48:44 A favorite recipe of Dr. Peat’s
Show your support and Sign up for Dr. Peat’s fabulous newsletter: raypeatsnewsletter@gmail.com
And read through his vast array of well-researched articles at: http://www.raypeat.com
Thanks to my show sponsors:
http://www.dropanfbomb.com and use code: GETFIT to save 10%
And http://www.swanwicksleep.com and use code: GETFIT to save 10% their too!
Podcast info
It's not really about the food. It's the stress that is the major factor...environmental stressors from issues like lack of sun, physical stressors from a leaky gut, financial stress, relationship stress, and social pressures and social media stress. Our stress buckets are loaded down, and this podcast will help you dump it out, little by little and watch your waistline whittle and whittle down. When you learn to mitigate stressors and listen to doctors and researchers provide tips and solutions to common health stressors, you will watch your life and your body transform, with more energy, better sleep, and optimal stress management. Join Jodelle on a journey of self-nourishment and awareness towards the body and life you have always wanted.