Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Like a fine wine we can get better with age and I’ve brought on the world renowned expert of anti-aging medicine so he can show us just how we can positively age abs get better rather than worse.
Dr. Frank Shallenberger, has been practicing medicine since 1973 and has been a pioneer in alternative/integrative medicine since 1978…
Dr. Shallenberger promotes anti-aging and preventive medicine and has developed numerous protocols to slow down and even reverse many issues using natural treatments along with conventional medicine. He has authored several books as well as published several scientific and clinical papers and so talking to this guy is going to to be such a treat to my brain with his vast array of knowledge on what I call positive aging, or anti-aging medicine.
Dr Shallenberger will inform us in the podcast specifically on the benefits of ozone and why it's been so controversial and why it shouldn't be.
If you suffer from chronic pain, chronic illnesses such as mold or Lyme, or even if you are struggling to move the weight loss needle, you need this podcast!!!
To learn more about Dr. Shallenberger and the resources:
To learn more about Jodelle and working with her personally, visit: http://www.getfitwithjodelle.com
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
I have battled mold toxin illness for 4 years now, and I am happy to interview DR Jill Crista who is my go-to girl for mold healing….She is a naturopathic doctor, best-selling author of one of my favorite books on mold (Break The Mold - 5 tools to conquer mold and take back your health - which we will be discussing) , and internationally recognized educator on mold illness and She also provides online training for medical practitioners to help them become Mold-Literate; to efficiently and effectively identify and treat their mold-sick patients.
We will discuss how prevalent mold is...
How many vast symptoms there are....
The most key tool to mold mitigation....
We talk about what the "emunctories" are and how they help.....
And the 5 Tools she talks about in her book, Break the Mold...
We also discuss simple ways to start to heal from mold now, and how to know how badly its affecting you....
Most mold exposures are diagnosed as something else, so be sure to take Dr. Crista's mold quiz to see if you could be sick from toxic mold...
And as promised here is my favorite resources page of hers:
Also, if you would like to work with Dr. Crista, join her membership program or learn more about them here:
Thank you to our show sponsors:
Ancestral Supplements: http://bit.ly/2VeQWYW Use this link and then enter code: JODELLE to save 10% on the Thyroid/Liver product.
ATP Science: https://bit.ly/2F390TK
Offer: 10% off site wide
Coupon Code: JODELLE
Check out my day-blue-light blocking glasses at: https://www.bn10strk.com/GETFIT/
To work with Jodelle, or learn more, visit: http://www.getfitwithjodelle.com
If you know someone who could benefit from this mold information, please share this podcast with them! Your support is greatly appreciated.
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Is it just about the food when it comes to health? Not when you factor in that EMF and 5G has been studied to show that it affects your blood sugar and your cell DNA. That's why now more than ever we need to evaluate our envirmonment and all the electronic radiation we are exposed to, such as WIFi, Blue-tooth, and cell towers.
Ryan Judy, CEO Of MOS Equipment joins me today to talk about how we can still use our devices and live in the modern world but protect our bodies and our brains from EMF. In addition, he goes into detail about why we should be protecting our privacy too from government tracking and something called contact tracing....
Learn how as a business owner you can make your team more productive by shielding your company bathroom from cell signals so that your employees don't take up too much time with their "Toilet buddy".
And learn what some of my favorite products (like my emf blanket) from MOS are going to protect you and amaze you at their quality and their security.
Click this link to visit MOS: https://mosequipment.com/?ref=cGFWJ1
USE MY COUPON CODE: JODELLE for 5% off any purchase.
Protect your body. 5G is now completely rolled out. We are exposed to more EMF dangers than ever in human history and our health and our children's health is at stake. You can still live in the world and not be of the world and and affected by it's modern dangers but the first step is educating yourself and knowing how to help you and your family.
For more information on Jodelle, or to work with her, visit: http://www.getfitwithjodelle.com
Thank you our show sponsors:
SwanwickSleep Blue-Light blocking glasses:
Swanwicksleep.com https://www.swanwicksleep.com/?oid=3&affid=663870&creative_id=41
use code: GETFIT to save 10%
Ancestral Supplements link: http://bit.ly/2VeQWYW Use this link and then enter code: JODELLE to save 10% on the Thyroid/Liver product.
ATP Science Products: https://bit.ly/2F390TK
Offer: 10% off site wide with Coupon Code: JODELLE
Thank you for watching! Please like, subscribe, and share! Your support is greatly appreciated!
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
5G isn't going anywhere and with the complete rollout happening by the end of 2020, we need to learn how to live in this world but not be hurt by EMF. Did you know that even your insulin can be affected by EMF, and cause spikes and crashes in your blood sugar leading to cravings and weight gain?
So shielding yourself with proper attire could be your ticket to better health, which is why I have brought on Art Calenge from GetLambs.com
You are going to love this apparel, and take advantage of my promo code to save 15%: JODELLE
Thanks to our sponsors too:
Ancestral Supplements:
http://bit.ly/2VeQWYW Use this link and then enter code: JODELLE to save 10% on the Thyroid/Liver product.
ATP Science:
Offer: 10% off site wide
Coupon Code: JODELLE
Please leave a review if you have a moment so that this podcast can get more exposure to those that need it! And share it as well!
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
If you are dieting and exercising and burning the candle at both ends, this podcast is for you. Jodelle is flying solo on this one talking about a big trend in stagnant weight loss she is seeing - adrenal stress, overwork, overexercising, and lack of rest.
Listen in and listen up. One more HIIT workout is not going to get you to your goals....rather, I'm going to show you how calming the stress response in the body could actually be your ticket to weight loss.
Pre-recorded LIVE at the Weight Room & Fitness Studio in Southwest Missouri. For more information on the Weight Room, visit: http://www.theweightroom-fitnessstudio.com
Thanks to our show sponsors:
PRO One Water Filter Pitcher - https://www.propurusa.com/?AffId=260 - the best water filter I can recommend, as it is the only one that filters out Glyphosate.
ATP Science - Wildcrafted Supplement Line - for Adrenal stress I recommend their CortRx and their GutRight product.
Offer: 10% off site wide
Coupon Code: JODELLE
Swanwicksleep.com Blue-Light Blocking Glasses https://www.swanwicksleep.com/?oid=3&affid=663870&creative_id=41
Use Promo Code: GETFIT to save 10%
Ancestral Supplements link: http://bit.ly/2VeQWYW Use this link and then enter code: JODELLE to save 10% on the Thyroid/Liver product
Please like, share and subscribe and leave questions below for my next Q&A.
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Another amazing Q&A session with Dr Raymond Peat, Phd. Visit his website for more great articles and information on hormone health: http://www.raypeat.com
Please support his work by ordering his newsletter by emailing $28 through PayPal to raypeatsnewsletter@gmail.com
Time stamps:
2:50 Dr. Peats recommendations for helping rid the body of toxic mold spores and the effects of NASH
6:50 Gynomastia (man-boobs) thinning hair and what to do about it
9:00 Most affective prolactin antagonists
11:10 Ice Cold Showers or cold baths - should we?
14:42 Instrusive thoughts/stressful thoughts and anxiety and what to do about them?
19:14 Dr Peat’s feelings on Colonoscopies
29:48 An Estrogen-Dominant cancer protocol from Dr. Peat
33:47 Is there a Mrs. Ray Peat?
34:14 What would Dr Peat order at a Mexican Restaurant
35:22 High Albumin and the causes
36:36 Altering a Women’s cycle with progesterone?
40:40 Hyperthyroidism
47:40 Dr Peats Macro range for females, Range of calories and should we food combine?
50:47 Vitamin D and the Role in MS
52:42 Allergies to dogs, tree nuts, cats, and what works to get rid of them.
55:28 ACTH and Adrenaline and the relationship in the body
58:19 Chronic Sleeplessness solutions
59:45 Sleep strategies from Dr. Peat
1:01:45 Can we rebuild tooth enamel?
Thanks for your questions and support. If we didn't get to them this time be sure to listen in next time, where they will be waiting in the que!
For more information, or to work with Jodelle on your own nutrition challenges, please visit: http://www.getfitwithjodelle.com
Please enjoy our sponsors generous promo codes for supplements to improve your health:
ATP Science
Offer: 10% off site wide
Coupon Code: JODELLE
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Bunny is back and we podcasted live from the Weight Room & Fitness Studio in Southwest Missouri! Come check us out!
Today's podcast was a Facebook LIVE we did talking all things fasting, juice fasting, macronutrients, food tracking to improve your health, and why Magnesium should be on all our supplement lists and what magnesium is right for you.
Bunny is funny and Jodelle keeps it real with science-based advice, so join us and listen, laugh and learn with us!
For more information on the Weight Room, visit: http://www.theweightroom-fitnessstudio.com
Check out our sponsor: http://www.atpscience.com and use code: JODELLE to save 10% on some of her favorite products.
To learn more about Jodelle or work with her to improve your nutrition, you can sign up globally online at http://www.getfitwithjodelle.com
Thanks for subscribing, listening and sharing! Your support is greatly appreciated. And don't forget to leave us a review if you like what you hear!
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
I have been listening to and following this lady for quite some time. Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a senior research scientist at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She has a BS degree from MIT in biology and a PhD degrees from MIT in electrical engineering and computer science.
She has published over 200 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings. Her recent interests have focused on the role of toxic chemicals and micronutrient deficiencies in health and disease, with a special emphasis on the pervasive herbicide Roundup which we will discuss today is killing more than just weeds...and as well we touch on the mineral sulfur and the importance of sunlight one of my favorite topics.
Time Stamps:
1:10 What is Glyphosate & Why should we be concerned about it
5:25 What is the History of Glyphosate
8:40 Even Non-GMO doesn’t mean you are safe from glyphosate
9:15 How does Glyphosate affect the body, specifically the gut and thyroid
13:00 Air pollution and Covid https://jennifermargulis.net/glyphosate-and-covid-19-connection/
22:50 Glycine and Glyphosate
25:20 How to protect ourself from glyphosate through the foods not sprayed with it
29:40 How to use a practitioner to test for glyphosate and also supplements
31:33 Environment exposure to glyphosate
33:20 The benefits of sulphur!
38:30 Supplementing with MSM
39:10 Circadian Rhythm and sulphur and sunlight
42:48 One the healthiest things to do
43:29 Why you shouldn’t wear sunscreen or sunglasses
47:13 Dr. Stephanie’s thoughts on vaccines
52:30 MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution and Chlorine Dioxide…is it good?
55:00 where to find Stephanie on the web
Find Dr. Seneff here: https://people.csail.mit.edu/seneff/
Find out more about Jodelle by visiting: http://www.getfitwithjodelle.com
Thank you for watching, please like, share, and subscribe!
Thanks to my show sponsors:
ATP Science THE LEADING AUTHORITY in natural bodybuilding supplements.
http://www.atpscience.com and use my promo code: JODELLE
Get my favorite blue-light blocking lenses from http://www.swanwicksleep.com and use promo code: GETFIT to save 10%
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Dr. Raymond Peat is back and this time we are starting off with a little fun rapid fire favorites of Dr. Peat's so you can learn more about what he loves.
Learn more about who Dr. Peat is by visiting:
http://www.raypeat.com and purchasing his newsletter by contacting raypeatsnewsletter@gmial.com
Time stamps for this podcast:
1:00 Ray Peats Favorite things
4:30 Ray’s thoughts on Iodine
9:44 How to safely build muscle and lose body fat
17:17 Taking MSM & Glutathione and sulphur issues
22:30 Hydrogenated coconut oil verses cold-pressed unrefined
25:30 Saw Palmetto for women and supplementing Pregnenalone
26:30 Salicylates and Oxalates
30:59 Fruit and why it’s so essential for humans
32:17 Calcium D-glucarate and lowering estrogen
34:23 How to get rid of Spider Veins and a safe deoderant
36:45 How to reduce bowel inflammation
39:40 High histamines and what to do
41:50 Copper rich foods and the importance of copper
43:13 The Best biomarkers for longevity
45:40 Allergy to pork
48:11 What would Dr. Peat do if he had cancer?
57:59 High serotonin in Children
1:02:31 Reversing or dissolving cataracts
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Prof Spira, a renowned expert on a way of eating many of us may have not been familiar with is joining me today and will enlighten us on something called the Mucusless Diet Healing System, which originated in 1922. Professor Spira is an author, musician, founder of the Mucus-free Life LLC, and holds a PHd in musicology, and African American Studies including a course he taught called the Power of Black Sacred Music.
But he most well known for his elaborate understanding and an age old healing system Called the Mucus-less Diet healing system by prof Arnold Ehret originally written in 1922, of which I have read over and over!
Professor Spira will open your eyes to the wide world of the mucus and pus in our bodies and how to eliminate it starting today to ease inflammation, weight gain, disease, and more....
Time stamps for this episode:
2:08 Who is Prof Spira
8:34 Why cleaning up our instrument affects everything
10:43 Who is Arnold Ehret and his philosophy
19:05 What is the MucusLess Diet Healing System and what is mucusLean
22:30 What are the symptoms of too much mucus in the body
27:10 What are pus and mucus forming foods
34:14 Systemic Constipation
35:00 Why Symptoms don’t like and are so critical to understanding our bodies
35:30 Lesser obvious mucus causing foods
44:00 Why is easier to transition and transition is important
44:50 Mucus-eliminating foods
52:40 Rapid fire food list (mucus-forming or mucus-causing)
57:22 The Magic Mirror
1:02:40 The Power of Black Sacred Music and Music for healing
To order the book with or learn more about the Mucusless Healing System, visit: http://www.mucusfreelife.com
Find Professor Spira on Youtube and Instagram: @Prof. Spira - Mucus-free Life LLC and watch all of his amazing content!
To learn more about Jodelle, hire her for nutrition therapy consulting worldwide or for podcast inquiries, please visit: http://www.getfitwithjodelle.com or email her at getfitwithjodelle@gmail.com
Podcast info
It's not really about the food. It's the stress that is the major factor...environmental stressors from issues like lack of sun, physical stressors from a leaky gut, financial stress, relationship stress, and social pressures and social media stress. Our stress buckets are loaded down, and this podcast will help you dump it out, little by little and watch your waistline whittle and whittle down. When you learn to mitigate stressors and listen to doctors and researchers provide tips and solutions to common health stressors, you will watch your life and your body transform, with more energy, better sleep, and optimal stress management. Join Jodelle on a journey of self-nourishment and awareness towards the body and life you have always wanted.